Blog Posts

Live Learn Expand is a blog designed to empower others through personal experiences, writings on both entrepreneurial and new age topics, applying universal principles in which to effectively operate more empowered in this school called life.
The New Gold Rush Is Here…..Why Private Equity Investors Are Shifting There Focus On Online Businesses For Even Faster ROI’s
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

Hey there, my fellow ecoeprenuers and readers of this blog, I want to share with you some insight into a space that most of us are familiar with, but not many from the outside world. You see with the pandemic affecting many in there careers and personal lives, many business owners have had to shut down shot leaving many unemployed to fend for themselves, Some of these smart people have become fed up and have decided to take responsibility for there own lives, by looking for new ways to produce online income streams from home, I mean think about it for a minute, ever since lock down, online courses, products and services has hit an all time surge for those looking to learn and invest in themselves, and this seems like a wave that will raise all tides fr those in those willing to try something new. Have you heard…

Will You Be Ready When The Pendulum Switches?
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

As entrepreneurs and agents of positive change in our communities, sometimes we become bombarded with the amount of information that we embark on, especially now with the current global epidemic, its not always easy to maintain a high positive frequency when so many around us are so use to viewing reality from the outside in, therefore I write this blog to remind all of our community leaders, family leaders, everyday people leaders to remember to stay strong as this too shall pass. Through history on this planet, there have been many periods of time where things seemed to have fallen apart, most people remember the falling apart and dramatize it to live on throughout history, and although it is good to acknowledge our past problems, we must not forget that the solutions that birth afterwards are well worth talking about, it seems for every crisis there is a solution, but…

Danger is Very Real But Fear Is A Choice
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

I wanted to start this post off by first paying homage to all those and there families that have been negatively affected by this virus that they happen to give a name, therefore acknowledging its power. Rest In Peace to all those many lives that were lost and I pray for those who have become sick by this global epidemic. lets all have a moment of silence............................................................. ............. Continuing to move forward, I first wanted to express my take on what I think about these sort of things that happen to affect millions of people and small business owners on the planet, as I move through space and time, I see the many ways media and other outlets have come to shine a light on something that has been around for a very long time, not realizing by giving more attention in this attraction base universe actually magnifies it results…

What Does It Mean To Be A CEO?
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

What Does It Mean To Be A CEO? Many may interpreted ceo as the top executives who run big businesses and in one aspect they would be right but I'd like to take this concept deeper, to truly feel what CEO means is to journey inward deep within yourself to awaken to who you truly are, a divine, uniquely gifted being, having a human experience. To be a CEO is an acronym that means Consciousness Expressing Omnipotence, we all have amazing potential waiting to be realized, I hope my story inspires many trailing a similar path to higher knowing.

Stages Of Self Evolution & Transformation
March 15,2021 / 0 Comments

As many have heard, life in it self is a journey of moment to moment experiences, as one moves through space and time we witness so many different aspects of life that becomes our proclivity or basic standard of living, much of it passed down through our family friends and world media, eventually if not earlier on in life the self becomes tired of the same old patterns of not feeling at peace, or experiencing dramatic scenarios that continue to play out in your personal life and outer experiences over and over again. In any given case and there are many the inner voice of knowing begins to speak louder and louder, some go on many lifetimes ignoring this inner voice while feeding there outer ego, but those who began to know the difference begin to witness a certain evolution taking place from within, this evolution can happen over night…

Journeying Inward..The Path of A Warrior !
March 15,2021 / 0 Comments

The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost. The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed. Since beginning-less time, darkness thrives in the void, but always yields to purifying light." Ancient Lion Turtle   I've been fortunate to experience many places and changes as a youth, I'm talking headed down the wrong path in a previous life, hanging with the wrong crowd and sent to Jamaica by my dear grandmother in who I love so much, she was my guardian growing up and I give many thanks to her hard works and efforts to try and set a healthy foundation for me to succeed. On the path to success, I made some money and remained broke and i learnt then that managing money was just as important if not more important than making it, I've slept in my car, I lost…


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