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Live Learn Expand is a blog designed to empower others through personal experiences, writings on both entrepreneurial and new age topics, applying universal principles in which to effectively operate more empowered in this school called life.
Danger is Very Real But Fear Is A Choice
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

I wanted to start this post off by first paying homage to all those and there families that have been negatively affected by this virus that they happen to give a name, therefore acknowledging its power. Rest In Peace to all those many lives that were lost and I pray for those who have become sick by this global epidemic. lets all have a moment of silence.............................................................

............. Continuing to move forward, I first wanted to express my take on what I think about these sort of things that happen to affect millions of people and small business owners on the planet, as I move through space and time, I see the many ways media and other outlets have come to shine a light on something that has been around for a very long time, not realizing by giving more attention in this attraction base universe actually magnifies it results allowing for it to grow further to those that tune in without a discerning eye, I ask myself why all the hype now when people have been dying from such things since old times, and I've come to realize that "Fear" is the birth place of failure to control or trying to control others; What do I mean about this?

Simply put, many people live there lives not realizing that they have an infinite power within them waiting to be realized, others usually play on these emotions to those who are not in the know but yet in a process of beginning to awake, I think all things happen for a reason and at the end of it all we as a human species will take this time to become close and go within therefore birthing a higher perception of how we begin to see things and let things that affects us.

Our predominant emotions have been known to affect our realities, in a time like this one must remember that the body is a brilliant structure made up of trillions of cells that knows how to operate without the will of man, for example the heart pumps blood without direction-from the mind as it knows it purpose, but fear is an emotion that man can allow to slow the progress of the body natural abilities to heal, case and point, keep a healthy immune system as it is the ultimate bodily defense, more importantly don't allow yourself to become fearful in the midst of crisis as that can easily affect the immune system over time causing one to become vulnerable to dis-ease, temporarily misalignment caused by traumatic experiences such a the spread of coronavirus as an example, all things have there seasons, reasons, lessons and blessings and shall come to pass.

The infinite powers of this universe can easily be observed in nature, the sun still shines, the flowers still grow, to proves that a a man made crisis will never obstruct the infinite powers that exist within, once you understand this you will began to realize your ability to focus inward which gives you your power back, to heal thyself and light up those around you by being your joyful self.

In the movie the "The Matrix" Neo was told that he would have to die to become awake, and this is so true for the many but in this case it does not always require a death to the physical body as the movie depicts, but one can die from all of the false dogmas and belief system that no longer serves a higher purpose. Once you began to realize your infinite power from within, you will have a glimpse into a new world, one full of possibilities.


Like the child that gave Neo very important information in the Matrix, quoting "try not to bend the spoon, that's impossible, only realize the truth, it is not the spoon that bends, but only yourself" That's a very powerful message coming from a young child, this same applies to life, many people are trying to affect change from outside of self, not realizing everything that exist from the outside has a birth place from within, a vibrational frequency as new age science would put it, this begins to take shape and form, entering this time space reality of what seems to be all too real to the naked eye.

My idea for this post is not tell people that they should ignore this crisis as that would be ignorant of me, as it has already pierced mass consciousness, but what I would like for you to embark upon in the midst of this crisis, is to use your personal time to go inward, breathe deeply, meditate and communicate with like-minded positive beings that have a vision of a positive outcome in the end. This way we don't get lost in mass media, although we are very aware of it. Stay strong in your power.


I like to end this post by using the saying from a really great movie that i recommend called "This Is Earth" a movie with famous actor Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith, as they were faced with a similar difficulties, maybe even worse in comparison. The message is simple as stated, fear is a choice, but that does not mean danger is not very real, so to the many who enjoy the post, use this time to empower yourself, and with that power you can began to empower others back into the light, lets not continue to give our power and majority of our attentions to things that are harmful, lets care to love and uplift, as we are all one big family.

The new golden age is in our hands. We must remember to care for self, love and play and to create an environment where are youths will not forget as they come in reminding us of this, the biggest conspiracy theory is the one that cons you out of self love. Live learn Expand is a journey, a live example in order to spark a flame that lights up the way to your birthright position that will inspire many to go on and Unlock Your Inner CEO.

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