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Live Learn Expand is a blog designed to empower others through personal experiences, writings on both entrepreneurial and new age topics, applying universal principles in which to effectively operate more empowered in this school called life.
Will You Be Ready When The Pendulum Switches?
February 25,2021 / 0 Comments

As entrepreneurs and agents of positive change in our communities, sometimes we become bombarded with the amount of information that we embark on, especially now with the current global epidemic, its not always easy to maintain a high positive frequency when so many around us are so use to viewing reality from the outside in, therefore I write this blog to remind all of our community leaders, family leaders, everyday people leaders to remember to stay strong as this too shall pass.

Through history on this planet, there have been many periods of time where things seemed to have fallen apart, most people remember the falling apart and dramatize it to live on throughout history, and although it is good to acknowledge our past problems, we must not forget that the solutions that birth afterwards are well worth talking about, it seems for every crisis there is a solution, but as I believe Einstein once said, "the same state of mind that birth the problem will not be the same mindset that summons the solution".

While many are in panics, those few of you who are entrepreneurs aka change agents must hold your ground, keep your balance and remain strong, sometimes you may need to take a break from the noise and use this time to tune inward, go out in nature, find joy in your down time, because truth be told, the pendulum will switch and no matter how much society improves, it must take place from within inside of your core heart base consciousness, or else many will find themselves in the same panic state without a global epidemic as many were in that state to began with causing the birth of a global pandemic.

Sometimes on a subconscious unconscious level we often create these dramatic activities to act as a global awakening for many who otherwise would have not found in this time period. With all that said, take this time to practice self mastery, improve your business by approaching it with presence, purpose and passion. Life is a journey, a school, a place for us to began to harmonize on a global scale, in which you can began to starting to take affect more often then and more frequently then before, as we all are on the planet as one whole family only if you have the eyes you could see it from an astronauts point of view. Remember life is like a pendulum and there will be times even after this that will be challenging, but you can choose to keep your head high and continue moving forward holding strong on a positive outcome while yielding resistance back into light.

Live learn Expand is a journey, a live example in order to spark a flame that lights up the way to your birthright position that will inspire many to go on and Unlock Your Inner CEO.

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